
ROLETOSoft is a czech software company, established in 1992. Our vision is to create and provide clever software solutions that really help. To achieve this vision, we are focused on developing software tools that powers two worlds - the networked world, and the mobile world. These software tools help our customers solve their daily problems and give them what they always needed and always asked for.
News and Events
February 6, 2009 - Stay tuned! Tons of our sample codes will soon be available for download!
February 1, 2009 - Full versions of NETMON2, NETMON, and RC.NLM are now available for download!
Mailing address: ROLETOSoft, Brandtova 6, 400 11 Usti nad Labem, Czech Republic
Phone: +420-604-266-737
E-mail: support@roletosoft.cz