
You can directly send your order from this page using the order form below. Or you can send us your order later per e-mail (to support@roletosoft.cz) and specify product name, required number of licenses, and your company address.
We usually send ordered license(s) the same day we receive the order, via e-mail, along with invoice and license agreement. In case you require your license(s) on CD-ROM or floppy disc, please let us know. Notify us also in case you need printed and signed invoice.
Payment is possible via money transfer (SWIFT) or by using a cheque when ordering directly from us.
German customers can order directly from our german reseller Stefan Braunstein: http://shop.braunstein.de
In case you need special license model or company-wide license, please send an e-mail to
support@roletosoft.cz or
sales@roletosoft.cz, specify product name, number of servers,
required number of licenses, and your company details. We will contact you.
Please contact us if you need more licenses or site/company-wide licenses.
Add 3 - 10 USD for shipping/handling in case you require licenses on CD-ROM or floppy disc.